HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator

HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator
HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator
R 3420.00 R 3930.00 SAVE R 510.00
HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator
Graphing Calculator
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Estimated Dispatch Date: 21 Oct 2024

HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator


Experience handheld calculating in the age of touch with the HP Prime Graphing Calculator, which has a full-color, gesture-based, and pinch-to-zoom interface, background images, function sketching, multiple math representations, wireless connectivity and a rechargeable battery. Graphing Functions: 2-D Function, Polar, Parametric Plot; Differential Equation, Bar Plot; Histogram, Scatter Plot; Find: Intersect, Extremum, Slope, Area; Zoom, Trace, Co-ordinates, Shade Scientific functions: Decimal hrs/hrs min sec conversions; Polar/rectangular conversions; Angle conversions; Base conversions and arithmetic; Unit conversions; Bit, Boolean graphics; Display and printer graphics Statistical functions: Σx, Σx2, Σy, Σy2, Σxy; Sample standard deviation, mean; Population standard deviation; Linear regression; Combinations, permutations; Weighted mean; Edit, save, name, list; Curve fit ( LIN, LOG, EXP, POW ); Plot statistical data; Hypothesis tests; Confidence intervals Math functions: +, -, x, ÷, ?, 1/x, +/-, In, ex, x?y; yx, LOG, 10x, x2, %, ? , n!; Fractions; Degrees, radians; Trigonometric functions/inverses; Hyperbolics/inverses; HP Solve application (root finder); Numeric Integration; Symbolic Integration; Numeric differentiation; Symbolic differentiation; Complex number of functions; Polynomial root finder, Taylor series; Absolute value, round; Integer, & a fractional part of a number; Modulo function, floor, ceiling; CAS system Type: Graphing. Digits: 33 digits, Display number of lines: 10 lines. Backlight display. Storage media type: Flash. USB port. Power source: Battery.

Product Information
HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator
Graphing Calculator
SMD Technologies
Format Type
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