Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa (E-Book)

Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa (E-Book)
Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa (E-Book)
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Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa (E-Book)
D. Davis, W. Geach, Z. Buba, D. Burdette, D. Butler, L. Coetzee, A. Loubser
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Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa (E-Book)


Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa offers a clear and practical approach to the law relating to companies, close corporations, trusts, and partnerships. The fifth edition is comprehensively revised to address the extensive common law jurisprudence that has developed since the Companies Act 71 of 2008 was promulgated, and offers expanded commentary to support meaningful understanding and practical application of the legislative provisions and common law. In addition, the fifth edition offers a new chapter that discusses the obligations of business enterprises in relation to human rights. Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa is suited as core course material for students of all disciplines, who are studying company law at undergraduate or postgraduate level. The text offers a clear pedagogical structure that supports effective learning and independent engagement with the subject matter.

Product Information
Companies and other Business Structures in South Africa
D. Davis, W. Geach, Z. Buba, D. Burdette, D. Butler, L. Coetzee, A. Loubser
Oxford University press
Publication Date
Country of Publication
South Africa
Format Type
E-Book - Vitalsource
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Physical Copy
R 640.00
Companies and Other Business Structures in South Africa