Introduction to Advertising (E-Book)

Introduction to Advertising (E-Book)
Introduction to Advertising  (E-Book)
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Introduction to Advertising (E-Book)
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Introduction to Advertising (E-Book)


Introduction to Advertising is a practical and comprehensive guide to the basic concepts and principles of advertising. The purpose of this title is to introduce students to the advertising environment and the different types of advertising media, with reference to print, broadcast, out-of-home and in-store advertising. This title will therefore be invaluable to those seeking foundational knowledge of the current terminology and concepts within this subject field. Alternative traditional media and alternative new media, as well as websites, are also explored; and advertising’s contribution to the economy and its significant impact on society, are explained. Moreover, Introduction to Advertising is packed with practical examples and exercises to help students engage with this vibrant field of study.

Product Information
Introduction to Advertising
EDGE Learning Media
Format Type
E-Book - Vitalsource
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R 610.00
Introduction to Advertising